Seventh Judicial Administrative District

​The Seventh Judicial Administrative District is made up of seven circuits and 14 Counties in the Northwest corner of Georgia.

Superior Court Mediation

​ Mediation is an informal way for people to come together and talk through their conflict with the help of an impartial third party

Divorcing Parents Seminar
The Trans~Parenting Seminar provides information about helping children adjust to the changes associated with family transition.
Click HERE to view requirements of Zoom Video Conference Seminar.
JHSC (Judicially Hosted Settlement Conference)

JHSC is a confidential, non-binding process in which a settlement judge acts as a neutral mediator/evaluator of the case.

Accountability Courts

Accountability Courts are special courts that hear selected felony and misdemeanor cases involving non-violent drug-using offenders.

About the Seventh Judicial Administrative


The 7th District Mediation Office will be accepting applications for new mediators to our roster very soon!

Keep checking this website for instructions on how to apply.

Services are provided and admissions/referrals are made without regard to race, color, religious creed, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or national origin. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the Seventh Administrative Districe Office.