Teachers' Contract - Dudley-Charlton Regional School

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Honor Roll Announcement

January 2011 - Dudley-Charlton Regional School

Free and Reduced Lunch Form

Charlton PTO Sign In Sheet



Honor Roll Announcement

Honor Roll Announcement

2009-2010 STAFF ADMINISTRATION Mary A. Pierangeli, Principal .


May-June 2011 - Dudley-Charlton Regional School

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Dudley-Charlton Regional School District

the first year of this agreement.Both sides agree to revisit thisportion of the agreement at the endof year 2 for consideration in year 3.D. The School Committee agrees toincrease Dental Insurance coverageby 50% (to a maximum of $1,500per person) beginning the first yearof the agreement.ARTICLE XXIIPERSONAL INJURY BENEFITSA. Whenever a teacher is absentfrom school as a result of anassault and injury by a student, ora suspended or expelled student, ora parent, such assault occurring atschool functions or on the schoolpremises, he/she will be paidhis/her full salary for the period ofsuch absence, and no part of suchabsence will be charged to his/herannual or accumulated sick leave,provided the teacher’s absence isnot a result of wrongful conduct onthe teacher’s part, and subject toparagraph D., below.B. The school committee willreimburse teachers for the cost ofmedical, surgical, or hospitalservices (less the amount of anyinsurance reimbursement) incurredas the result of any assault andinjury sustained under provisionsof paragraph A., subject toparagraph D. below.C. Employees who become ill as aresult of any school environmentalsituation shall not have anyresulting absences charged to theirindividual sick leave, subject toparagraph D., below.D. The Worker’s Compensation Act(“the Act”), Massachusetts GeneralLaws, Chapter 152, Section 69, whichhas been accepted by the district,provides that the district shall pay itsemployees the compensation providedby “the Act” for medical and hospitalexpenses and for work time lost as aresult of injuries received which ariseout of and in the course of theiremployment. A teacher so injured shallbe paid by the district the differencebetween the compensation providedunder “the Act” and the teacher’s fullsalary or wages, such payment to bepaid from any accumulated sick leaveto which the teacher is entitled.The parties, in agreeing to this Article,are aware that Section 69 of “the Act”provides in pertinent part that no cashsalary or wages shall be paid by adistrict to any person for any period forwhich weekly total incapacitycompensation under this chapter ispayable, and that “the Act” is not oneof the statutes enumerated inMassachusetts General Laws, Chapter150E, Section 7(d) as being overriddenin the event of a contrary provision ina Collective Bargaining Agreement, andthe parties therefore agree that to theextent any provision of this Article is inconflict with “the Act,” such provisionshall be null and void, but that theremainder of the Article shall remainin full force and effect.E. Employees requesting benefitsunder Sections A, B, or C of this articlefor a period of time greater than fivedays, agree to an evaluation of injuryby an evaluator who is agreeable toboth parties. If administration makessuch a request it shall be in writing.21

ARTICLE XXIIIENROLLMENT OF CHILDRENTeachers who reside in the districtwill be allowed to enroll theirchildren or stepchildren in a schoolor existing program within thedistrict appropriate to the child’sage, grade level and ability.ARTICLE XXIVTEXTBOOKSA. Teachers shall be consulted inthe change and/or selection of anybooks and/or educational materialsto be used in their classroom. Aconsensus of teachers’ opinions willbe given due consideration in theselection thereof.ARTICLE XXVPAYROLL DEDUCTIONA. The school committee agrees todeduct from the salaries of itsemployees dues for the localassociation and MassachusettsTeachers Association and theNational Education Association,and monies for MTA Credit Unionand to transmit these moniespromptly to the treasurer of thelocal organization each pay day.B. Teacher authorizations will bein writing on an approved form.ARTICLE XXVIREDUCTION IN FORCEA. The school committee retainsthe right to reduce the number ofteachers on its staff. The decision toreduce staff shall not be subject tothe grievance and arbitrationprocedures under this contract.B. Teachers without professionalstatus shall be laid off prior to teacherswith professional status subject toapplicable state statutes andregulations.C. In the event that it becomesnecessary to layoff teachers withprofessional status, the least seniorteacher in an affected area shall be thefirst to be laid off and subsequentlylay-offs shall proceed in the reverseorder of seniority. An annual senioritylist by certification and level will beprepared by the superintendent andforwarded to the President of theAssociation no later than October 31 ofeach year. If no challenge to the list ismade within 30 days of the receipt ofthis list, the list will stand and theorder thereon be followed for any staffreduction to take place during thatyear. The list will be in the followingformat:Name Date of Hire Certification(s) Level(s)D. Seniority under this article shallbe determined by continuousprofessional employment (in years,months and days) in the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District. Paidleaves of absence (such as long-termdisability or sabbatical) shall counttoward seniority. Unpaid leaves ofabsence shall not constitute a break incontinuous service but shall not counttoward seniority.E. Cases of identical seniority in thesame area will be resolved by grantingpreference to the teacher with thehighest academic degree (indescending order: Doctorate, CAGS,Master’s, Double Bachelor’s). If theseare identical, the decision will be made22