Eiv coordinator access authorization from owner form

HUD developed the EIV (Enterprise Income Verification) system as a tool to meet the objective of assuring that the “right benefits go to the right persons.” The EIV system is a federal database that provides quick, easy access to resident income information. The intent of the EIV system is to streamline and simplify the income verification process at the time of recertification, by providing an independent source that systematically and uniformly maintains income information.

Deadline to Implement EIV

On December 29, 2009 HUD published the Refinement of Income and Rent Determination Requirements in Public and Assisted Housing Programs Final Rule. The Final Rule, effective January 31, 2010, includes the mandatory use of the EIV system.

HUD’s EIV SYSTEM: A Quick Rundown

  1. Obtain WASS/Secure System Access:
  2. WASS/EIV Coordinator: Complete Coordinator Access Authorization Form and fax to Multifamily Help Desk at 202-401-7984 or email to mf_eiv@hud.gov.
  3. Users: Complete User Access Authorization Form and submit to your company’s WASS/EIV Coordinator
  4. WASS/EIV Coordinator: Establish role for self: HSC; and for Users: HSU
  5. WASS/EIV Coordinator: Assigns contracts

Other Matters of Interest:

Maintaining EIV Access Documentation

Upon obtaining EIV access, the following documents must be retained and made available:

EIV access will be terminated immediately for those whose documentation is not available for review on the day of the MOR.

EIV Policies/Procedures

The Owner/Agent is required to develop policies and procedures regarding the use of EIV data.

EIV Security Awareness Training

Secure Systems users and coordinators who access HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification System (EIV) or the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) are required to complete the Cyber Awareness Challenge each year. Staff with access to EIV reports, because they have access to tenant files, are required to complete this training as well. To complete online security training please follow the steps below: