Perfect Fantasy Color Scheme
The Perfect Fantasy Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Violet-Blue (#3F50BA), Vivid Tangerine (#F0A690), Macaroni And Cheese (#F8C88C), Salmon (#FF8671) and Amethyst (#8859D0).
This color combination was created by user Vanessa. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.
Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.
- Name: Violet-Blue
- Hex: #3f50ba
- RGB: (63, 80, 186)
- CMYK: 0.661, 0.569, 0, 0.270
- Name: Vivid Tangerine
- Hex: #f0a690
- RGB: (240, 166, 144)
- CMYK: 0, 0.308, 0.4, 0.058
- Name: Macaroni And Cheese
- Hex: #f8c88c
- RGB: (248, 200, 140)
- CMYK: 0, 0.193, 0.435, 0.027
- Name: Salmon
- Hex: #ff8671
- RGB: (255, 134, 113)
- CMYK: 0, 0.474, 0.556, 0
- Name: Amethyst
- Hex: #8859d0
- RGB: (136, 89, 208)
- CMYK: 0.346, 0.572, 0, 0.184